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Hy Brasil, Island of Eternity

In April, 2017 I sat down to write Hy Brasil, Island of Eternity. It had been an ambition of mine for a long time to compose a novel. Thinking about it, wishing for it, and believing that a book resided within, is a different beast to actually getting around to writing it.

I finally set about doing it and was determined to carry it through. A couple of years ago, I had come up with the kernel of an idea with regard to Hy Brasil, and felt that this would be my debut novel.

There was still a considerable amount of work to do. The process of writing is undoubtedly different for everyone. To get started, I just began to write. That is, I hand wrote a couple of pages and then typed them out on my laptop.

Here, I had a begining. A start is a start, no matter how it happens. I began to write notes, plot the story, come up with names for my characters, jot down thoughts on structure, and ask questions that would need answers.

The process changes; ideas change, even the plot changes. And that's all good. If the story evolves, then the creative process is working. I constantly scratched out ideas and wrote out better ones, and put these to paper.

After two months of writing, developing and structuring, I ended up with the outline of something approaching a first draft. Reviewing it, I knew that a considerable amount of work remained.

The next three and a half months were spend working, re-working, editing and fixing. Yes, it took me longer to work the novel into something I could be proud of, than it was to write out the first draft.

It was all needed. I wanted to produce the best possible work and leave absolutely nothing on the table. This was the perfectionist in me coming out. I can only assume that when it comes to writing a book, this is a good thing. I didn't want to write a debut novel, and not do it justice.

I can say that after a massive amount of effort, including a final push in the last week, I got Hy Brasil, Island of Eternity to a place where I believe that I have written a good novel, that delivered all that I expected of it.

I set myslef high standards, and very much wanted to live up to them. I have learned from the process and very much hope to take this into the future.

As for Hy Brasil, well, it is an Island of Myth and Mystery, Populated by an Advanced People of Celtic Origin. Due to isolated endemism, Hy Brasil has evolved rapidly to obtain knowledge and technology that matches that of modern man.

Olan has recently been told that Hy Brasil is faced with catastrophy. The will to live, drives him towards a solution that brings about a life changing interaction with the contemproary protagonist. Intelligent Fiction and Great Writing combine to give an unforgettable adventure.

It is a Novel, where Ancient Past collides with the Present, eventuating in consequences for all. It is a blend of The Mystical, Supernatural, Sci-fi, as well as Historical Fiction genres, in a Literary Style

Robert E. Kearns

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